Sunday, May 10, 2009


In July 2009 3 people from the MK Australia team will revisit MKGP locations in North West Province,South Africa to:

  • To undertake two fund raising workshops in Mafikeng as per youth meeting objectives car wash and doll making activity

  • Ascertain water infrastructure needs for Ntshidi and additional MKGP school projects
    Explore partnership potential with Roundabout Pty Ltd to establish water source in school locations

  • Reconnect with Food and Trees for Africa to develop professional development framework for partner schools

  • Deliver training program with young people in event management so local MKGP groups can roll out their youth events in January 2010 with a focus on water security, health and sport

  • Provide professional development with teachers to showcase student directed curriculum initiatives that are undertaken by MK in Australia.

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