Thursday, January 21, 2010


Today the MK delegation visited the mayoral chambers to present to the local government representatives and the Executive Mayor an overview of the Millennium Kids projects within North West Province and to communicate to the members of the Executive the commitment of MKGP South Africa to continue supporting these projects.

After introductions Megan presented an overview of her involvement with MK as a young person and her role as Alumni coordinator. 2mo, as the MKGP youth member shared the details of our visit in July to Ntshidi Middle School and Ramatu High School. Catrina, as CEO of MK then presented an overview of how our friendship has developed and the vision for the future of our these projects. She requested that MKGP South Africa and the Municipality develop a more formal relationship of information sharing and encouraged support on short term activities such as the Clean Up Day on the Molopo River.

The newly elected Mayor indicated her support for the work and commitment of the MKGP projects and this was also endorsed by the other members of the Executive who voiced their praise in the sincerity, integrity and genuine commitment of MK in developing environmental awareness in communities and capacity building programs for the young people in these communities. The meeting finished with a commitment from the Executive to develop an open dialogue with MKGP and through this partnership look at ways to support the short and long term projects.

1 comment:

Alicia Curtis said...

Sounds like it was an effective meeting. Well done team!