Thursday, January 21, 2010


The once mighty Molopo River winds through the North West Province on its way to Namibia and is key to those living in the area for grazing gattle, washing, gathering water for drinking and supporting the local vegetation.

MKGP member Sampi took the team on a tour for the morning as some of us had not previously seen the Molopo, and were keen to compare it to the other rivers Millennium Kids is involved with: the Swan River in Peth, Western Australia and the Kalimas River in Surabaya, Indonesia.

It was interesting to see the history on display through the rows of planted Eucalypts along the bank, to the disused railway line that once ran over the top. It was a good opportunity to see the competing interests of farmers and residents, versus the environmental preservation and restoration of the area. We headed further downstream to the reservoir where the running Molopo is dammed, making it after the hair-raising ride down the flooded gravel roads, and getting ourselves out of a bog to the dam where locals make use of the area for great fishing.

After dodging the rain drops, it was time to head to the Department for Education for our first official meeting.

1 comment:

thabang said...

it was a good day ultil we got bogged, but the mighty Tonia managed to rescue us with a bit of help of Catrin's traction. Thabang